交互式概念商店 未来的购物方式

But that could all be about to change in the next few years.
Creative studio +rehabstudio have created a concept for an interactive digital display that covers the entire shopping window - taylored to you. And whilst it’s only a prototype, it’s not that unrealistic to expect that this technology will be commonplace in major capital cities in the coming decade. The offline world, merging with our online habits.
The premise is that the display itself actually engages with you personally. Once you approach the window, using emerging Bluetooth low energy technology (known as BLE) the shop could potentially detect your gender or even age via your phone. Using that data, (lets say you’re a 32 year old woman) it could visually display women’s clothes designed for someone in that age bracket. Add in the option to purchase or reserve any item you see on the display and suddenly shops could literally be open 24/7 without needing any shop assistants after dark.
Whilst the technology still has some way to go and shoppers will undoubtedly have reservations around privacy and personal data – there’s a huge amount of potential to genuinely alter the way we shop.
Don’t think that the interactive screens with their custom products would be consigned to merely storefronts, the same technology could be applied to bus stops, billboards and train stations – anywhere that people are waiting.
Would you like to see a world where your favourite brands cater their products directly to you? Would you interact and engage with the technology? Or is Big Brother getting out of control?
交互式概念商店 未来的购物方式:等您坐沙发呢!