Spyder 可附着的蜘蛛台灯设计,缘于设计事务所正好缺少一只灵活便捷的光源,两位擅长于结合多种材料进行创作的设计师便想到用细长的“蜘蛛腿”来实现对灵巧的诉求。这盏灯结合了金属、磁铁和电,优美的身段极具设计感。

Spyder light (2013) Milled aluminium, flexible joints, magnets.

Answering our studio need for a flexible lights source that could be moved easily and quickly, daast leveraged the abundance of metal shelving with a bespoke solution. Adapting a rubberized sheath used by electricians to join cables, both metal and electrical elements are joined to create flexible legs and house magnets.
Spyder 可附着在墙上的蜘蛛台灯:等您坐沙发呢!